Ideas Lab
Frontal bike carriers for city buses
In many medium to large cities in North America, it is possible to load one's own bicycle onto a bike rack located at the front of the vehicle. The operation is carried out in a few seconds by the cyclist, under the direct visual control of the driver.
In Europe, the system is almost completely absent and there seem to be doubts as to whether it is safe and compromises the efficiency of public transport services. However, the subject is not on the agenda, despite the fact that it is a potential contribution to the development of intermodal transport and an additional alternative to the use of private motorised vehicles.
Are there any studies on this subject, especially in relation to cities and the operation of local public transport systems in Europe? Can the frontal bike carriers for buses in use in North America be improved in terms of ease and speed of use and safety? Are the characteristics of European city buses compatible with these systems, in relation to visibility from the driver's seat and front lights and indicators?
Interesting idea but from a purely practical perspective; if one mounts a bike on the front of the bus, during winter, isnt it likely to be too dirty to then use without being covered in road grime?
3 years ago
3 years ago
Molto interessante, avevo partecipato ad una discussione sul tema con il gestore del servizio di trasporto pubblico di Torino ed era emerso principalmente il problema legato alla sicurezza e soprattutto alla responsabilità in caso di incidenti o simili. L'operatore ha affermato che non si può chiedere al conducente del bus di essere responsabile del corretto caricamento del mezzo ed inoltre che l'operazione richiedere un'aumento notevole dei tempi in fermata.
Sono d'accordo che sia una buona soluzione, chissà come si potranno però risolvere questi ostacoli
3 years ago