
Austria 2013, Manual for Gender Mainstreaming in Urban Planning and Urban Development
- Location: Austria
- Year: 2013
- Initiator: The city of Vienna
Vienna is a growing city that according to demographic forecasts may once more expect to have two million inhabitants by 2030. The urban society is becoming more and more diversified. Divergent interests often entail conflicts between different user groups, which may be exacerbated by increasing urban compactness. All this poses massive challenges for planners as well. For this reason, pronounced social sensitivity is essential to ensure urban quality of living for the future.
Means of transport vary between men and women as well as between different ages and ethnicity. To develop an inclusive transport system / urban planning, these differences must be included.
The Manual illustrates how urban planning, including transport, needs to take into account the diversity of the city population.
The manual constitutes a tool for efficient quality assurance by planners that should be made intensive use of as the challenges faced by urban planning are growing day by day.
[1] Manual for Gender Mainstreaming in Urban Planning and Urban Development. Urban Development Vienna, Municipal Department 18 (MA 18) – Urban Development and Planning