Mochila hidrofóbica. Diseñada para el proyecto TInnGO por Ronald Jurianto

Topic DesignSafety and securityWomen needs in transport

Como parte de una serie más amplia de ideas que abordan los problemas de gestión de pertenencias en los autobuses, esta mochila se basa en el paraguas hidrofóbico. Equipada con seis botones de presión en las solapas, la bolsa está hecha para funcionar con la teselación de hexágonos dentro del autobús, permitiendo a los usuarios asegurar su mochila simplemente empujando los botones de presión en los hexágonos disponibles. Al ser repelente al agua, el contenido de la bolsa permanece seco incluso durante las lluvias torrenciales y, lo que es más importante, una bolsa que podría secarse fácilmente no limita a sus usuarios a mantenerla alejada de sus usuarios y de los demás pasajeros.

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3 years ago

I find all ideas related to water-repellent utensils great. That makes it much easier to use public transport. 
The hexagonal pattern is nice to look at for the passengers and could have a nice marketing effect for the transport companies if all give-aways and merch products are matched to it.
The pattern could reflect the colours of the respective providers.

Just a question for clarification - is the design about a water-repellent backpack or a water-repellent cover for a backpack?

One disadvantage that could occur with the backpacks is that if several identical backpacks are stowed at these hexagons, this could lead to confusion.

With the sleeves, you might still be able to recognise your backpack by the straps or if the sleeves were made semi-transparent, the problem would be solved anyway.

The TInnGO project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 824349.
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