Awareness-raising campaign on Women in Transport – EU Platform for Change

Topic EqualityProcessesPublic TransportPrivate TransportShared MobilityAwarenessEmploymentInformation Platform


  • Location: Greece
  • Year: 2020
  • Initiator: The Greek General Secretariat for Gender Equality (GSGE)


Awareness-raising campaign by the Greek General Secretariat for Gender Equality on the establishment of the “Women in Transport – EU Platform for Change”. 


The General Secretariat for Gender Equality (GSGE) which is the governmental organization in charge of equality between women and men in Greece, has widely promoted among competent stakeholders the EC initiative for the establishment of the “Women in Transport – EU Platform for Change” based on the supportive documentation by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). Promotion was conducted through:

  1. A detailed article written in Greek by the competent GSGE Director for Development & Support of Policies on Gender Equality was uploaded on the website of the organization.
  2. A relevant document was sent by the organization by e-mail to an extensive list of recipients including the Hellenic Parliament, the Ministries, Local and Regional Authorities, NGOs, etc.


Greater visibility of the importance of gender mainstreaming in transport has been achieved in Greece by this initiative along with awareness raising on gender issues as well as stronger engagement of different stakeholders.


[1] Website article describing the campaign.

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The TInnGO project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 824349.
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