Purple ribbon in taxis: initiative to provide gender safety and security

Topic EqualityServicesPrivate TransportSafety and SecurityGood Practices (Mobility Measures)Awareness Raising Campaign


  • Location: Valencia, Spain
  • Year: 2019
  • Initiator: The taxi sector in Valencia


Providing safer and more secure streets in the city for women.


Some of the taxis in Valencia city carry a purple ribbon with two different objectives. On the one hand, it shows solidarity of the taxi sector with the feminist cause. But the ribbon hides also a very valuable message for all women. It is an initiative that prevents women from being in danger in the street. That means that if a woman feels insecure or threatened for any reason, is being chased by someone, is being harassed or has been abused, she can take any taxi with this ribbon and the taxi will bring her to the place she wants for free. This kind of initiative is common in the taxi sector, for instance they also have stickers against gender violence. This kind of movements are promoted by some taxi drivers that are committed to the cause.


[1] Article in the press describing the initiative.

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The TInnGO project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 824349.
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