
The 7 Families Game of Female Mobility
- Location: France
- Year: 2021
- Initiator: Women on the Move
To celebrate its 5th anniversary, Femmes en Mouvement is launching the first edition of the 7 Families of Women's Mobility Game.
The aim of the game is to inspire young girls (aged around 14-18) as they begin to think about their professional future. Thanks to this edutainment object, they will be able to discover many jobs that they can do later on if they know about them!
After a long preparation and one month before the International Women's Rights Day, the association Women on the Move has published the game of the 7 families of women's mobility. In this version, the classic Granny-Mother-Daddy-Mother-Son-Daughter of each family are replaced by women who today and now work in different jobs in the transport and mobility sector.
42 participants agreed to share their profession, their career path and their passion. Each one represents an example of the immense range of possibilities that mobility professions represent. Some of them are everyday heroines, others are heads of major organisations, political or professional. What they all have in common is that they have all agreed to take part in this original initiative so that more women can flourish in these exciting and still very (even too) masculine professions!
7 families are represented:
- public transport,
- rail transport,
- the bike,
- freight transport,
- the public authorities,
- public space planning
- the "Airs Seas and Spaces" family.
Each woman gave us a photo that was reworked by watercolorist and woman in motion Bénédicte Tilloy to make itmore beautiful! Each professional presents herself in a few lines to make you want to know more about her career, her commitment, her motivation!
A few examples :
- Bus driver, tram maintenance workshop manager, train driver, minister, deputy, association manager, merchant navy captain, HGV trainer, town planner, sociologist, ....
- Anne Rigail (Managing Director of Air France),Anne-Marie Idrac(the only woman to have managed the SNCF and RATP), Marie-Ange Debon(Presidente du Directoire de Keolis), Minister Barbara Pompili, Vice-President of theEuropean Parliament Karima Delli, astronautClaudie Haigneré : you've heard them all on the radio or seen them on TV. They agreed to be in the game and we are very proud of them.
By playing this traditional game with simple rules, young women will beable to discover jobs they don't know and which are all open to men and especially women!
1] The game of the 7 families of female mobility: