Baumschulpavillon - Innenraum. Entworfen für das TInnGO-Projekt von Ronald Jurianto
TopicEducation & trainingAwarenessDesignSafety and security
Im Inneren kombiniert der Kinderzimmerpavillon organisches, fließendes Design mit starker vertikaler Geometrie in einem Versuch, die beiden polaren Gegensätze zu verschmelzen, als eine weitere Metapher für die Renormalisierung des Stillens in unserer urbanen Kultur. Diese Metapher wird durch die Verwendung von Weide, Hanf und recyceltem Polypropylen als Hauptmaterial der Inneneinrichtung noch erweitert. Die modularen Möbel erhöhen die Nutzbarkeit des Pavillons, während im Kern ein Familienraum liegt, der speziell dafür geschaffen wurde, gemeinsame Zeit zu schaffen, während die Kinder betreut werden müssen. Sorgfältig ausgewählte Materialien lassen den Pavillon noch lange nach seinem Abbau weiterleben und machen ihn zu mehr als nur einer bloßen Ausstellung.
The seats could serve double by providing space for breastfeeding but also space for changing diapers. If the seats have the perfect size and height, if the material of the seats is easy to clean (no fabric) and the pavilions provide articles for cleaning then you have an all-in-one solution.
To strenghten the community character, local shops could donate diapers, hygiene articles etc. for these pavilions. That would literally lift some of the burden form the womens shoulders if they don`t need to pack oversized bags in order to be prepared for everything and carrying these bags around whereever they go.
Hi Paul, in regards to the dimension please see additional content titled 'Nursery Pavilion Interior with Size annotation' attached in the gallery. Thank you for your feedback.
Hi Andree, thank you for your feedback. I imagine that this solution would be most useful at public squares. Alternatively, it would also be suitable at retail parks. It would be great to be able to discuss further with what you have in mind regarding this project, would you be available for further discussion?
Hi Paul, thank you for the feedback. Regarding the dimension, they are shown on the post about the exterior of the pavilion linked here However, I will make the necessary adjustments so that the dimensions would also show up on this post. It would be great to be able to discuss further with what you have in mind regarding this project, would you be available for further discussion?
3 years ago