Ideas Lab
Ispirato da uno schizzo di 2 ghiande e dal concetto di protezione offerto dalle forme naturali, il NurturepodTM è uno spazio per l'alimentazione dei neonati per luoghi di spostamento come le lounge degli aeroporti. Progettato per confortare la famiglia in viaggio, il design del baccello dà un grado di controllo, dignità e privacy, sicurezza, calore e gentilezza. Il sistema NurturepodTM è progettato per essere configurato per l'installazione da solo o come una foresta crescente, offrendo tranquillità e rimozione dalle distrazioni. In questo spazio, l'attenzione è sul bambino, sul momento e sulla calma. Il sistema è stato progettato con un nucleo forte, un calore di tocco e un'estetica gentile che offre un sollievo temporaneo in mezzo alla folla.
L'idea è nata nel lavoro autoetnografico condotto come parte del progetto AHRC Wemobile, guidato dalla professoressa Andree Woodcock al Centro di Ricerca per le Arti, la Memoria e le Comunità. Il concept design è stato creato da Paul Magee, Senior Designer del Centre for Intelligent Healthcare. Paul ha un background nello sviluppo di soluzioni pronte per il mercato per le esigenze di tecnologia assistiva, mobilità personale e un'esperienza nella progettazione di installazioni su larga scala per le mostre.
Inoltre, l'UK Hub sta attualmente conducendo una ricerca etnografica qualitativa sulle esperienze di accudimento dei bambini negli spazi pubblici e nei trasporti pubblici. Lo studio utilizzando l'analisi semantica dei social media, metodi come focus group, interviste approfondite e workshop di co-design riunirà genitori di gruppi etnici minoritari e professionisti che lavorano in comunità diverse per informare i progetti futuri. I risultati daranno un contributo unico alla scarsa letteratura sull'accudimento dei bambini e sulla mobilità dei genitori. Inoltre, estenderà il lavoro di progettazione concettuale nel design di prodotti/spazi/trasporti in modo più ampio attraverso l'analisi intersezionale delle relazioni tra esperienza, incarnazione, intimità e soggettività urbana.
NurturepodTM Numero di registrazione: 6083544
Numeri di marchio NurturepodTM: UK00003467012 / UK00003467018
IF we were to develop this further, I would suggets we look at methods to influence the internl envionment - control of lighting could engance the mood and be calming. Additionally, if we were to investigate smartphone app control, we could offer additional controls, perhaps over the internal soundscape - again for creating the right (and importantly, most personal) experience of the space.
Digital tools such as this could easily be transferred to home use, and the link between privcat espace and this semi-public private space could be reinforced.
Nurturepod has a potentially strong identity and could become influential in the way that travel hubs are designed around the user experience.
3 years ago
3 years ago
This sort of space would be ideal in a transport hub. There is an organic quality to the Nurturepod form that would be a useful to distraction from the travel environment which is as many of us have experienced, are focussed on transition of passengers rather than peace and comfort.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Hi Andree, yes I have added the rendered images with a figure to show the scale and the depth of the Nurturepod space.
3 years ago
3 years ago
can we have a people in one of the sketches. peripheral awareness is a big issue especally if you have belongings and children with you. Would they go inside the space?
what would this look like in a retail envionment or transport hub?, or even in a workplace. there is a very big international market to provide high quality places for breastfeeding mums in the workplace . see
You have talked about urban subjectivity - what does this mean?
Also the image on the side of the hill looks as if it would roll down the slope.
how does this compare with other products on the market?
3 years ago
3 years ago
Thanks Janet. Yes, indeed; at the far end of the Nurturepod is a scooped-out seat, reminiscent of the Eero Arnio ball chair design. It is large enough to sit fully within, or naturally with feet still on the ground. The key aspect that this design tries to explore is that of a level of open privacy. The seat is configured at such an angle to the door/opening that the view of nurturing is not seen (mainly just able to see feet on the floor). Equally the view out is limited. there is a tinted yeallow section on the rear wall to enable light to enter (and vague 'traffic' outside to be visible but the view in is less clear, partly due to the way that it is illuminated. I'll post some additional rendered views as I think it is really nicely resolved.
3 years ago
3 years ago
This looks like an inviting space, and could be made cosy, but thinking back to personal experiences, parents may prefer some more 'raised' seating inside here so that it is easier to get comfortable with a child- getting down almost to the floor is not easy when you have baby, toddler, bags and perhaps a pushchair to manage.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Hi Janet, thanks fo rthe comment. There is integrated raised seating already. The second from last image shows a cut-away, in the rear area is a sculpted hemi-sphere that forms the raised seating area. Its intentionally low down to better enable sitting but the sphere form prevents the occupier from sliping down too far that woudl then be difficult to get out. Its one of my favourite features of the design, which has similarities to the Eero Aarnio Ball chair from 1963 (another of my favourites). The surface is smooth, to better enable cleaning.
We do have designs for a blanket that users may choose ot use, which would match the internal shape perfectly and then they take it with them but that might be at a later date.
3 years ago