
Topic AwarenessDevelopmentDesignSafety and securityWomen needs in transport New technologiesTransport patterns & user needs

Inspiriert von einer Skizze von 2 Eicheln und dem Konzept des Schutzes durch natürliche Formen, ist der NurturepodTM ein Säuglingsfütterungsplatz für verdrängte Orte wie Flughafen-Lounges. Entwickelt, um die reisende Familie zu trösten, gibt das Design des Pods ein gewisses Maß an Kontrolle, Würde und Privatsphäre, Sicherheit, Wärme und Freundlichkeit. Das NurturepodTM-System ist so konzipiert, dass es für die Einzelaufstellung oder als wachsender Wald konfiguriert werden kann und Ruhe und Entfernung von Ablenkungen bietet. In diesem Raum liegt der Fokus auf dem Kind, dem Moment und der Ruhe. Das System wurde mit einem starken Kern, einer Wärme der Berührung und einer sanften Ästhetik entworfen, die einen temporären Trost inmitten der Menschenmassen bietet.

Die Idee stammt aus der autoethnographischen Arbeit, die im Rahmen des AHRC Wemobile Projekts unter der Leitung von Professor Andree Woodcock am Research Centre for Arts, Memory and Communities durchgeführt wurde. Das Konzeptdesign wurde von Paul Magee, Senior Designer am Centre for Intelligent Healthcare, entworfen. Paul Magee hat einen Hintergrund in der Entwicklung von marktreifen Lösungen für den Bedarf an Hilfstechnologien und persönlicher Mobilität und verfügt über Erfahrung in der Gestaltung von großflächigen Installationen für Ausstellungen.

Darüber hinaus führt der UK Hub derzeit eine ethnografische qualitative Forschung zu Erfahrungen mit der Pflege von Kleinkindern im öffentlichen Raum und in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln durch. Die Studie nutzt die semantische Analyse sozialer Medien, Methoden wie Fokusgruppen, Tiefeninterviews und Co-Design-Workshops, um Eltern aus ethnischen Minderheiten und Praktiker, die in verschiedenen Gemeinschaften arbeiten, zusammenzubringen und so Informationen für zukünftige Designs zu erhalten. Die Ergebnisse werden einen einzigartigen Beitrag zur spärlichen Literatur über Säuglingspflege und elterliche Mobilität leisten. Darüber hinaus wird es die konzeptionelle Designarbeit im Bereich Produkt-/Raum-/Verkehrsdesign durch eine intersektionale Analyse der Beziehungen zwischen Erfahrung, Verkörperung, Intimität und urbaner Subjektivität im weiteren Sinne erweitern.

NurturepodTM Registrierungsnummer: 6083544

NurturepodTM Markennummern: UK00003467012 / UK00003467018

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Jump to comment-66

3 years ago

IF we were to develop this further, I would suggets we look at methods to influence the internl envionment - control of lighting could engance the mood and be calming. Additionally, if we were to investigate smartphone app control, we could offer additional controls, perhaps over the internal soundscape - again for creating the right (and importantly, most personal) experience of the space.

Digital tools such as this could easily be transferred to home use, and the link between privcat espace and this semi-public private space could be reinforced. 

Nurturepod has a potentially strong identity and could become influential in the way that travel hubs are designed around the user experience.

Jump to comment-65

3 years ago

This sort of space would be ideal in a transport hub. There is an organic quality to the Nurturepod form that would be a useful to distraction from the travel environment which is as many of us have experienced, are focussed on transition of passengers rather than peace and comfort.

Jump to comment-64

3 years ago

Hi Andree, yes I have added the rendered images with a figure to show the scale and the depth of the Nurturepod space.

Jump to comment-43

3 years ago


can we have a people in one of the sketches. peripheral awareness is a big issue especally if you have belongings and children with you. Would they go inside the space?

what would this look like in a retail envionment or transport hub?, or even in a workplace. there is a very big international market to provide high quality places for breastfeeding mums in the workplace . see

You have talked about urban subjectivity - what does this mean?

Also the image on the side of the hill looks as if it would roll down the slope.

how does this compare with other products on the market?

Jump to comment-29

3 years ago

Thanks Janet. Yes, indeed; at the far end of the Nurturepod is a scooped-out seat, reminiscent of the Eero Arnio ball chair design. It is large enough to sit fully within, or naturally with feet still on the ground. The key aspect that this design tries to explore is that of a level of open privacy. The seat is configured at such an angle to the door/opening that the view of nurturing is not seen (mainly just able to see feet on the floor). Equally the view out is limited. there is a tinted yeallow section on the rear wall to enable light to enter (and vague 'traffic' outside to be visible but the view in is less clear, partly due to the way that it is illuminated. I'll post some additional rendered views as I think it is really nicely resolved.

Jump to comment-11

3 years ago

This looks like an inviting space, and could be made cosy, but thinking back to personal experiences, parents may prefer some more 'raised' seating inside here so that it is easier to get comfortable with a child- getting down almost to the floor is not easy when you have baby, toddler, bags and perhaps a pushchair to manage.  

Jump to comment-2

2 years ago

Hi Janet, thanks fo rthe comment. There is integrated raised seating already. The second from last image shows a cut-away, in the rear area is a sculpted hemi-sphere that forms the raised seating area. Its intentionally low down to better enable sitting but the sphere form prevents the occupier from sliping down too far that woudl then be difficult to get out. Its one of my favourite features of the design, which has similarities to the Eero Aarnio Ball chair from 1963 (another of my favourites). The surface is smooth, to better enable cleaning.

We do have designs for a blanket that users may choose ot use, which would match the internal shape perfectly and then they take it with them but that might be at a later date.

The TInnGO project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 824349.
Copyright © 2019 TInnGO. Designed and Developed by LGI