The Friendly Toilets. Designed for the TInnGO project by Ronald Jurianto

Topic DesignWomen needs in transport Mobility dataTransport patterns & user needs

Travelling should be a fun experience, but for parents and carers the most insignificant event such as loo breaks could disrupt their plan. This concept tries to raise awareness and sparks discussion regarding parents and carers’ needs for a toilet while travelling. Taking into consideration the limited space, a pocket door is chosen to give toilet user privacy while the translucent wall allows a level of intimacy by showing an abstracted visual of the toilet user.


This concept is thought to fit into train stations, where the waiting area could prove useful to people beyond travellers with dependant people. To gain access, train travellers could pre-book the space alongside their tickets, using their physical or digital tickets to also unlock the door. In addition to pre-booking, users could also access the space spontaneously through a digital bracelet distributed through known charity groups, allowing people who are registered to access the space even if they have not pre-booked the space. Further development ideas towards this concept includes exploring different graphics to signify the space being occupied. Different spaces containing a similar visual identity to help different group of travellers are also being considered, thus creating a series of solutions for travellers.


Would this concept help parents and carers while travelling? What do you think of the development plan?

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Jump to comment-153

3 years ago

Confermo che spesso viaggiare con dei bambini può essere difficile e ad oggi, in Italia per esempio, utilizzare la toilet dei treni con una bimba piccola è pressochè impossibile. Gli spazi sono veramente piccoli, non ci sono spazi dove farli attendere e il movimento del treno rende magari difficile l'equilibrio soprattutto per bambini piccoli; in alcuni casi anche la pulizia non è delle migliori.

La modalità di chiusura e apertura della porta deve richiedere uno studio accurato; la fobia di restare chiusi in un bagno è molto diffusa (io per prima!), se si scelgono soluzioni molto tecnologiche devono esserci anche alternative sicure in caso di guasti o cali di corrente ad esempio.

Jump to comment-152

3 years ago

That toilet I would like to see on trains. Train toilets are ugly today.



Jump to comment-148

3 years ago

Great idea and so neded!

Could there be audio within the toilet to confirm that it is locked?  I know that lots of people worry if the automatic toilet doors are locked on the Avantis trains

The TInnGO project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 824349.
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