
Gender equality in practice – planning and urban development
- Location: Sweden, Scandinavia
- Year:
- Initiator: The Swedish Gender Equality Agency with the support of several Swedish authorities
“Include gender” [1] is a Swedish national resource for gender equality. It is a website, described as a portal, that offers information and news about gender equality as well as practical examples and concrete tools for gender equality work. It is available in English and Swedish language. The portal is managed by the Swedish Gender Equality Agency and is supported by a range of Swedish authorities on different levels as well as from researcher funders.
On the platform gender equality as a concept is described, as well as different methods to achieve gender equality. The platform contains several examples of projects that integrate a gender equality perspective on planning and urban development [2], for example:
- Gender Equality for a better Eskilstuna: Lighting, public art and public transport – the city planning department in Eskilstuna, Sweden, is in the middle of an intense process of gender mainstreaming. The staff have received training and are right now implementing a wide range of improvements that will make the town safer for both women and men.
- Gender equal snow cleaning in Karlskoga: It is harder to walk or bike through 10 cm of snow than to drive a car. A group of city officials in Karlskoga came to this realisation and consequently ordered that pedestrian walkways, bicycle paths and bus stops be cleared of snow before larger roads. This new routine benefits women in particular, as more women than men walk, bike and use public transport.
- Mapping gender equality: Sociotope mapping is a method used in community planning to obtain information about social conditions. The Gotland Region has included a gender perspective in this process in order to better understand the different living conditions of women and men.
[1] Include Gender portal.
[2] Examples from the planning and urban development area