UK Team Bus stop sketch challenge

Topic AwarenessDevelopmentDesignSafety and securityWomen needs in transport New technologiesParticipation cultureMobility dataShared modes of mobilityPolicy makingTransport patterns & user needs

Per sfidare il più ampio team dell'hub del Regno Unito, abbiamo deciso di impostare un compito di disegno rapido e libero guardando la percezione del nostro gruppo delle fermate dell'autobus, come potrebbero essere migliorate e i valori che abbiamo sentito essere importanti dopo aver parlato con i nostri colleghi del progetto. Gli schizzi sono tutti elencati qui, coinvolgendo tutti.

Per favore prendetevi il tempo di leggere gli schizzi e di assorbire la varietà di idee in mostra E aggiungete i vostri commenti - ci potrebbero essere molti elementi individuali che (se sapessimo quali sono i più utili) potrebbero essere combinati in un design di sistema definitivo.

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  • Scan 6 nov 2020.pdf
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    Jump to comment-47

    3 years ago

    Hi Andree, I'd much rather see a scruffy sketch any day!

    I think the point here is that it only a designer who can solve the problem of waiting at a bus stop - everyone has insight, their own ideas and the purpose of this age is to invite ideas in whatever form they can be communicated. Experience is such a valuable commodity, and because we have such varied experienced across the team it allows us to look very deeply into the meaning and thoguth processes show here. 

    I invite everyone to do the same thing, it is liberating and it achieve stwo more important things.

    1. It encourages someone with an idea to formalise it into a visual tool that can be shown to others

    2. It shows the design team that they can look, listen and learn from othe people's experience, and that they i turn have to learn the right kind of communcation to learn as much as possible from the visual tool.

    Given that we are all unable to meet and to share those moments of inspiration face to face, this is a small step into doing that remotely and a small step to learnign a little more epathy with one anothoer.

    Jump to comment-42

    3 years ago

    These sketches did inform some of our thinking.

    As a non designer I was not expecting my scruffy ideas to be shown, Paul :-) Unfortunately I was not able to draw what I could visualise  (sketches 3 and 6) which was all about the need for organic forms and for bus stopes to be more than a post,  but a fundamental and exciting part of the streetscape where they could become a meeting place, local information centre and gateway to different forms of transport.

    Just sitting down with a pen and paper and having to sketch (or at least create mind maps) helped me think in new ways, rather than just writing linear text. So I enjoyed the process, if not my results.

    Jump to comment-28

    3 years ago

    We have talked a lot about introducing a better human 'feel', I love the introduction of woodland inspired forms and colours shown in Jacqui's sketch. The individual stools also introduce a very relaxed, 'free' sense of space that I would suggest is a totally different way to perceive the bus stop waiting experience.

    The TInnGO project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 824349.
    Copyright © 2019 TInnGO. Designed and Developed by LGI