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Com base na estrutura central do FIDO, começamos a explorar como isso poderia se traduzir em outros meios de transporte. O conceito aqui apresentado apresenta uma mistura de modos conhecidos; scooter, moped, mobility scooter e os sistemas originais autónomos de drones da FIDO. A estética é familiar, mas talvez a sua forma simplificada e os seus controlos apresentem um novo tipo de método que não é tão estigmatizado.
Estes podem ser acedidos através de uma chave digital.
A propulsão é feita através de 4 pequenos motores eléctricos (um em cada cubo de roda) e o método de direcção mais simples e reconhecível - uma roda básica.
O suporte do banco traseiro pode ser adicionado. Assim como o apoio lateral.
O que você acha? Algo como isto poderia representar uma oportunidade comercial? Como isto poderia ser usado? E também como poderia ser mal utilizado, de modo a podermos desenhá-lo?
Congrats, Paul& Kat! Beyond the mountains of data and policy briefs this is what I think will remain behind the TinnGo project: the open innovation platform. With concrete things that any non-professional can understand, lots of fantastic ideas presented in a way that is as simple as it is interesting. Big up!
Thankyou Florin, that is very good to read - we have worked very hard to achieve some really exciting ideas and to communictae them well. There will be more - keep checking back.
it would be useful to consider regional variation in design, whether that due to envionment, culture, history, to enable a local identity to the product that would be recognisable to citizens
Thanks Andrew. Like the idea of regioanlly different versions, and as you explained today the variation between high-tech and retro - lots of room to experiment there.
There are numerous issues with e-scooters currently posing danger to pedestrians. How does this overcome those issues? If it is for carrying shopping, where does that go? I also wonder how people of different sizes use it - it doesn't seem to have any adjustability for height of user - and the footspace will need to accommodate from small person like me at 5 ft with a size 38 shoe, to 6 foot heavy person with much larger feet and body size.
Thats partly the intention fo rthe scanning and lidar technology (explained in Fido page). We do have to embed technology that will alert users of dangers and react accordingly. We shoula slo address the speed range and try to make this more sensible, which may additionally optimise the battery performance. Totally agree on the egonomic adjustability (see Kat's comments).
Thanks Malin. That sounds like an additional criteria for the design brief. Could you be more specific - what would you expect the user to be carrying? We have made the assumption of a small to medium sized bag in this case, most likely daily shopping. but if there are specific examples then we can configure the desing to suit - there would also be variations on this frame so we might look at more substantial items. Let me know. :)
It seems a very interesting solution, useful for example to carry small bags or suitcases. Can you put them in the empty space under the seat? Maybe with a side device that contains them?
Definitely to evaluate the possibility of adding a child seat.
It seems to be very stiff and a bit 'difficult to drive especially in terms of stability in corners for example (only my first visual impression).
Lovely name :)
Thankyou Angela. Yes, the bags would locate under the seat area.
The frame is likely to be rigid, but it would be interesting to understand how, dynamically, the addition of some flexibility might enhance the riding experience. That said, we want this speeds to be low - this isnt meant to be a racer and perhaps encouraging too dynamic a chassis might give the opposite impression. Thats one for debate I suspect!
Yes we will look at child seat integration next. Watch this space.
Where is the battery, engine… ? It seems very thin. How is the maximum weight FIDO can carry on? I like the space for transporting goods, although it looks like it can be lost, is there no way to secure it?
Great question Mireia! We are basing the design on compact motors bulit into each wheel hub (4 motors in total). The power cell is located as a flat panel inside the frame, accesible from the control panel (where steering arm and display sits) for re-charging.
As this is the first level provocation, we have not modelled load capacity yet. However, we would be looking to generate a high strength, low weight chassis that is optimised for loads and dynamics.
Yes, the goods would be secured in that space beneath the seat (no further details are shown in the images at this stage but it is great to read that so many people are excited about using it!)
It's pure inspiration, starting from the name/ branding and the Latin reference. Honestly, if I close my eyes I can see myself riding FIDO in 2 or 3 years. All that's missing is an Elon Musk to fund it.:-)
Thanks Clea! In this case it is shown open because the shopping storage was included in the previous desing for FIDO. Rather than confuse the page with to many options, this was kept slightly simple. THe shopping bag/case would locate into the open section shown. We would engineer a securing method too.
If there is enough interest we cna also look into the vertical loading (i.e. lift up the seat) version.
I already commented on Fido now I see this is a ride-on version. I think its a great idea, would work well for someone who wants to leave the car at home but then thinks about getting back with the shopping bags. It works at the levelof local supermarket and local neighborhood. Maybe a child could ride on it while adult walked. Would appeal to younger people too because its more fun to ride on it like an e scooter.
3 years ago