Este design foi desenvolvido no projecto WEMOBILE( para desenhar vagens de enfermagem autónomas que integram música e aromaterapia, que podem ser colocadas em espaços públicos, como centros comerciais, aeroportos, etc., permitindo às mulheres amamentar e relaxar com as suas pequenas famílias em privacidade. Informadas pela pesquisa, as dimensões gerais deste design são comparáveis aos designs existentes no mercado, mas este design oferece uma experiência única, confortável e relaxante em comparação com os seus concorrentes. A imagem 1 mostra o design geral, as imagens 2 e 3 mostram uma vista superior/plano do piso da cápsula de amamentação, as imagens 4 e 5 mostram o interior da cápsula, e a imagem 6 mostra como seria o design de um centro comercial.
Great idea! Really useful to have these spaces in shopping centers, stations, airports... why not also in the most "touristy" squares? or in park-ride parking lots?
You have to study well the spaces: to park stroller or if you have two children maybe (the newborn and an older one)?
I like the idea of a "plug & play" option for PT stations/airports etc., that would allow mums and babies to be more protected and comfortable. I also like the idea of having a dedicated space for another child. However, I feel it is a bit small if you have a stroller. It is not always easy to close the stroller and put all the items into a bag, etc., with your child in your arms.
I like the idea of a privacy room for woman and her child.
Did you take into account whether strollers and co. can be safely parked outside? Is there any space for water or wet wipes? An other idea for the airport or train station is a digital display for depart/ arrive timetable.
Thanks Nicola. Interested to see how this would work as a modular design, so that it could be assembled on-site (and relocated).
Also with an overhead canopy to provide privacy from views from above (in a shaopping mall for instance.) which could provide passive ventilation and an escape route for fragrances/smells.
How would you adapt this idea for a carer of twins, for example?
3 years ago