Cargo Bike in Sharing

Topic Women needs in transport Smart bikingNew mobility formsShared modes of mobility

Most people with children who travel with them on a daily basis say that they cannot use bike sharing because they cannot transport their children. In countries where cycling is much more widespread, cargo bikes are used by families to get around the city, and there are operators who offer them as shared bikes, possibly with pedal assistance.

In Italy, we still see few cargo bikes in cities, and no operators offer them for sharing (only rental). It would be interesting to be able to offer such a service in order to travel more sustainably as a family.

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3 years ago

In some cities in Germany there is already the possibility to rent a cargo bike. For example, in Braunschweig: 
Maybe this is a good positive example.

The TInnGO project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 824349.
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