Fermata d'autobus melodica. Progettato per il progetto TInnGO da Ronald Jurianto

Topic DesignParticipation culture

Per i bambini, anticipare il prossimo autobus potrebbe sembrare un'eternità. Attaccando corde di varia lunghezza, i bambini possono avere qualcosa per intrattenersi e allo stesso tempo imparare come la lunghezza variabile influenzi la nota della melodia, invocando curiosità e creatività. La melodia usata sarà reversibile in modo che non abbia importanza da dove gli utenti fanno passare le corde, mentre la melodia potrebbe essere differenziata per diverse aree, creando un senso di comunità e di località per i passeggeri dell'autobus e aiutando anche i bambini a dare un senso al viaggio verso un nuovo posto facendolo segnalare con una melodia diversa.

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3 years ago

A lovely idea and would appeal to a range of users especially children and older people. 

Yet if applied say, to the West Midlands region, other issues would need to be considered. For example is the bus stop served by electricity points, will there  be room for timetable information, safety messages an help points as standard?  Could it distract from existing digital advertising and could this be prone to crime and vanalism?  For those customers with hearing impairments, a hearing loop system may need to be applied. 

Maintence costs and funding should also be considered in any design options.  But I feel this concept could work well at interchanges or mobility hub sites, where people may have to change modes.  

Jump to comment-104

3 years ago

I love this idea. Very creative, very entertaining.

Maybe you can combine notes with different coloured lights, so that the kids (and everyone else) can not only hear their sounds but also see them.

Perhaps one could also distribute different "instruments" across several stops on a line. At one stop "guitar strings", at the next "piano keys" and at the next small "drum fields" at touchpoints of an implemented screen?

One disadvantage is that this music option is not necessarily suitable for stops that are directly adjacent to residential buildings. The risk that it would quickly degenerate into noise pollution and thus complaints would unfortunately be quite high.

The TInnGO project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 824349.
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