Questions sensorielles et mobilité des soins

Topic Transport patterns & user needs

Le centre britannique souhaite proposer une exploration des paysages sensoriels (auditifs et visuels) au profit des voyageurs souffrant de troubles neurodivers et de leurs accompagnateurs. Ce filtrage du bruit peut-il être réalisé de manière à ce que les centres de transport deviennent des espaces plus calmes et plus tranquilles afin d'atténuer l'anxiété ? Ou bien certaines fréquences sonores et certaines couleurs amélioreraient-elles leur expérience ?

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3 years ago

This is a really interesting concept. Perhaps we could all contribute our local hub soundscape, short pieces of audio that let us hear the local environment and hear the different meaning that mindfulness has for each of us?

We could introduce the sounds that we enjoy hearing in more rural environments to the business of cities and towns. Equally we could flip the perspective - what about hearing the sounds of a busy environment, if we are uncomfortable with a quiet space?


The TInnGO project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 824349.
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