Rendre les métros sûrs à utiliser pendant la pandémie - Solenza Lazar

Topic DesignSafety and securityShared modes of mobilityTransport patterns & user needs

L'utilisation des transports publics a été fortement réduite en raison de la pandémie de Covid-19. Afin de garantir la sécurité dans la pandémie actuelle, j'ai travaillé avec le hub espagnol pour trouver une solution à ce problème, en utilisant le métro espagnol comme base pour ma conception.

Il y avait une préoccupation concernant l'espace à garder entre chaque passager pour garantir la sécurité, ainsi que la nécessité de garder les espaces d'entrée et de sortie libres pour éviter tout contact entre les passagers en mouvement. Pour résoudre ces problèmes, j'ai conçu des sièges perchés pour augmenter l'espace entre les passagers debout et assis, ainsi que des panneaux transparents incassables entre ces sièges et entre les passagers debout pour empêcher la transmission du virus. Enfin, toutes les trois semaines, l'intérieur du métro serait désinfecté et recouvert d'une substance capable de garder les surfaces exemptes de virus et de bactéries pendant trois semaines.

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    Jump to comment-77

    3 years ago

    Hi Marco. You are completely right about the ventilation system. This already exists in France and England (I'm not sure about Spain), where 2/3 of the air is fresh and clean air, and 1/3 is recycled air. This makes sure that the air is renewed at all times. 

    The reason the plexiglass is there, is partly to give an added sense of safety for the passengers, but also to allow the metro to have more passengers than you would be able to have in this pandemic situation, because the physical barriers between people allow passengers to be slightly closer together without increasing the risk of contagion (something that the ventilation system could not ensure on its own, as shown on French and British metros and trains). This method of ventilation combined with pannels is the solution that is compulsary to have in factories and offices. 

    Jump to comment-39

    4 years ago

    Think there are also wider issues of how we can 'cheaply' make public transport safer and win back public confidence.

    Social distancing may be the norm now, and that is probably a good thing, when you consider travel during the rush hour. Perhaps it will now be mandatory to wear masks on PT - although this may cause problems  in terms of vision and breathing.

    What is the public perception of PT as we transition out of lock down? Will fears over safety override issues relating to sustainabilty? So will people prefer to use their cars or cycle/walk.

    If there is movement away from PT, is it sustainable as revenue streams have been hit and will not recover in the short - medium time

    what is the new USP for PT? worried that it willbe seen as a thrid class form of transport (back to Thatcher era). How can design be used to create high end experiences for passengers, at a cost affordable to the operators . so we are looking at retrofits of existing vehciles,

    Jump to comment-27

    4 years ago

    Marco, that's a great line of thinking. Please could we discuss further, it would be really useful to have an additional perspective. We could explore the way that airflow occurs in the coach and incorporate this into the interior surfaces as a visual indicator of a passive ventilation method.

    Jump to comment-14

    4 years ago

    I'm not sure those plexiglass panels are really helpful in preventing the virus spread. Metro coaches generally have a strong air ventilation and droplets paths would follow the related draughts. It is not like putting some barriers in a room. Indeed, there are around some ideas to prevent the virus spread not through phisical barrier but by carefully designing air ventilation patterns whose draughts are in between people.

    The TInnGO project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 824349.
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