Solução de Cadeiras de Crianças para Bicicletas Compartilhadas. Concebido para o projecto TInnGO por Ronald Jurianto
TopicDesignWomen needs in transport Smart bikingShared modes of mobility
A cadeira partilhada para crianças de bicicleta é feita para satisfazer as necessidades dos pais, quer seja para corridas escolares ou para passeios de lazer. Com uma forma inspirada na casca do ovo, a cadeira de criança de bicicleta partilhada tem como objectivo aliviar os problemas de mobilidade partilhada enfrentados pelos pais, ao mesmo tempo que envolve as crianças na experiência, incluindo um dispositivo de escalada. O arnês de segurança emparelha-se harmoniosamente com o capacete magnético e o assento, permitindo aos pais fixar o arnês durante o carregamento, criando uma sinfonia perfeita de segurança e praticidade. O cesto incluído funciona como mala de transporte para o assento, enquanto que em conjunto com o apoio para os pés proporciona protecção às pernas das crianças.
Hi Andree, in regards to the full package please see additional contents titled 'Packaged Drawing in response to see full package with children' attached in the gallery, while in regards to the ideas that were rejected during development please see additional contents which titles begin with 'Development sketch'. Thank you for your feedback.
Hi Andree, thank you for the feedback. I will add a few sets of orthographic drawings to aid understanding in regards to the sizing. The development journey document is also a good idea. It would be great to be able to discuss further with what you have in mind regarding this project, would you be available for further discussion?
can we have a full package with children of various size included in the gallery.
it would be nice to see a pdf of the journey to this, and the ideas that were rejected along the way. I know this cuased a lot of issues as we need to consider the wider system/usage context
Ron, I particularly appreciate the sense of play in these designs. It may al so be that the graphic style lends itself to presentation in a playful way. I still find it reminiscent of Tin-tin sketches and I can hardly raise greater praise than that! Good job!
A nice well thought-through idea. I like the protection for the childs legs but need to think about the dimensions as their legs can get very thick when all wrapped up in padded trousers or onesuits. The only thing I find impractical is the 'staircase' for fun and independent climbing. I am fairly sure that with the weight of a child it would simply fall over as soon as they start to climb. With a VERY heavy base it would be more stable but then way too heavy to carry on the bike. It is a nice idea to provide something fun and make the child independent but would only work if there can be a special 'step' as a fixed part of the bike, so parent holds the bike while child climbs up. It is probably easiest for parent to lift child onto bike without having additional worry of the staircase stability.
3 years ago