Uber offers free travel to victims of sexual harassment and violence

Topic Safety and securityNew mobility forms

In 2019, the French branch of Uber launched a partnership with the Handsaway platform (https://www.handsaway.fr/application) and the French association Stop Harcèlement de Rue (http://www.stopharcelementderue.org/), both dedicated to the fight against sexual violence and harassment.

Uber is now integrated into the HandsAway application, so that when victims post an alert on the application, Uber offers them a free ride to file a complaint or go to a safe place.

More information in French :

  • Website: https://www.uber.com/fr/newsroom/uber-sengage-pour-la-securite-des-femmes-dans-lespace-public/
  • Press article: https://www.20minutes.fr/paris/2543055-20190619-paris-sensibilisation-chauffeurs-courses-gratuites-uber-engage-securite-femmes-rue

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The TInnGO project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 824349.
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